Can You Drive A Car That Has A Loan Against It?

7th August 2024

Loans Advice

If you’re in need of quick cash but you rely on your car for daily transportation, a loan against your car might be better than selling it. Red Tree Finance offers a convenient way to leverage your vehicle’s value while keeping it on the road.

What is a loan against a car?

A loan against a car, referred to as a secured loan, enables you to borrow money by using your vehicle as collateral. Unlike selling your car, this option allows you to continue driving your vehicle while repaying the loan.

A secured loan is a type of cash loan that requires an asset, like a car or a boat, as collateral. This asset is used as security to provide you with the funds you need. If you fail to make payments, the asset will be used to cover the remaining cost of the loan.

How does a secured loan against a car work?

The process may require you to determine the value of your car (this may be how much it is insured for). When you take out a loan secured against your car, you retain possession of your car and you will repay the loan through regular instalments.

Remember, if you default on your repayments, the lender may repossess the vehicle. At Red Tree Finance we are committed to responsible lending and make sure only to lend what you can comfortably afford to repay. We also understand that things happen, and if you have trouble meeting repayments you can contact us about Financial Hardship options.

Your responsibilities when your car is security for a loan

If your car, motorbike or boat forms security for a loan, you will need to ensure it is well-maintained and in good repair. Make sure that you budget for scheduled maintenance according to the vehicle log book, replace tyres and check things like the oil and radiator fluid regularly.

When you use your car as security for a loan you may also need to have comprehensive car insurance in place. This means that if you do have an accident or something happens to your car, you are covered for the value of the vehicle.

Benefits of getting a loan against your car

  1. Quick access to funds
  2. Continued use of your car
  3. Flexible repayment options

Key considerations

  1. Interest rates
  2. Risk of repossession if you are unable to keep up with repayments
  3. Loan amount limits
  4. Comprehensive car insurance
  5. Maintenance of the vehicle

4 ways to raise money without a loan

If you are in a tricky financial spot and you don’t have a vehicle you can use as collateral for a loan, there are a few things you can do right away to help free up some cash:

  1. Sell second-hand household items on online marketplaces can be a quick source of funds.
  2. It’s never too late to implement a budget for your household, check out the one we have made to guide you with setting up a budget.
  3. There are services to help you through a rough patch which can contribute to housing, bills, food expenses, education and schooling, transport, emotional support and more.
  4. No-interest loan schemes (NILS) are another great alternative if you need to make a purchase you are struggling to afford. Although you will not be granted access to the cash, you are able to submit the invoice for the service or item which will then be paid by the scheme.

A fair decision in 2 hours

We have streamlined the lending process and kept things simple at Red Tree Finance, meaning once your application has been sent to us our Australian-based team can get back to you quickly. We give you a fair go based on your current circumstances.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with our friendly customer service team.

Apply for a cash loan with Red Tree Finance

The request for your employment details by loan companies serves a meaningful purpose. Providing accurate employment information increases your chances of loan approval. If you’re looking for a loan, Red Tree Finance provides instant loans of $2000, $3000 all the way up to $5000. Whether you need a loan for bills, rental bond or just a weekend loan, we have you covered. Apply for a loan now or contact our friendly staff for more information.


Yes, you may still be able to get a loan against your car if it’s not fully paid off, depending on the remaining balance and the car’s value. We look at your ability to repay the loan, taking into account your individual situation. We will only approve your application if we believe you can afford to repay your Red Tree loan.

At Red Tree, we understand that mistakes can happen. If you happen to miss a payment, a dishonour fee of $35 will be applied to your loan and the length of your loan will be extended so that the missed payment and fee can be repaid. You can always contact our team and make additional payments to catch up on any missed payments or to simply pay your loan off quicker.

Yes, you can always make additional repayments and pay off your Red Tree loan early and we don’t charge any early exit fees. Contact our Customer Care team for payout details or for more information see our FAQs.

The information provided in this blog is of a general nature and is provided without considering your specific objectives, financial situation, or needs. It is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as financial, investment, or other professional advice.

Before making any financial decisions or taking action based on the information presented, you are strongly encouraged to assess its appropriateness in light of your individual circumstances. Red Tree Finance does not intend to provide personalised financial advice, and you should seek independent financial, legal, tax, and other relevant advice tailored to your unique situation.

How much would you like to borrow?

Loan amount


Repayment frequency

Your monthly repayment

Loan term
12 months
Interest & Fees
Total to pay

WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. The above uses a comparison rate of 47% and upfront establishment fees of $420.



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